Hi, Welcome to the 2nd Chapter Page 2 of 2021. Yes it is February 2nd,2021 - it has been a minute since I've blogged. This year I'm back with the 52 Week Money Challenge. If you have not started the 52 week challenge - its never too late - just start deposit/transfer $15.00 to your savings account. When we enter Week 6 - you will only need to save $6.00 or whatever you decided to multiply by. I will always multiply by 1 - not sure I'm ready to double or triple my weekly amount.
You will save the dollar amount based upon the week we are approaching. Week 5 started January 31st,2021, saving $5.00 - money deposited up to Week 5 should be $15.00.
How did we get to $15.00? Let's calculate
Week 1 started January 3rd, 2021 - depending on your own challenge - (Week # times ()) gives you the - dollar amount to save. So in my case - my challenge is Week # x 1. Week 1 x 1 = $1.00, so i saved my little Dollar. Week 2 x1- saved $2.00, Week 3 x1- saved $3.00, Week 4 x1- Saved $4., week 5 x1 - saved $5. When you add Week 1 through Week 5 - ($1+$2+$3+$4+$5 = $15).
By the end of the 2021 - I should have saved $1378.00
Lets do this